Colette’s Riot

Sass + Co. Body is a plant-based vegan skincare story and Colette Tattoli is the author. Colette has a gutsy work ethic and a terrier-like instinct when it comes to doing the right thing and has made it her mission to educate people on the harmful effects of the carcinogens and chemicals contained in so many big-brand skincare products.
“My mind riots every time I see a skincare product that’s chock full of mineral oil and artificial fragrances. MINERAL OIL? It’s a non-renewable by-product of petroleum FFS! How do they get away with this?! I believe there’s only one way to fight back, and that’s by rewriting the rules on what we consider safe to slather on our skin. The products I create use only plant-based ingredients; my range is vegan, botanical and, most importantly they work.
I champion not only a radical range that’s all about the senses but what goes directly into your bloodstream via my products isn’t dangerous”.
An unlikely candidate to head-up a booming skincare company, founder Colette is equal parts soul sister and punk-ass queen. As at home with a pint down the local as she is sipping a sexy-ass cocktail through a silver straw, she dresses to impress and swears like a navvy. Colette is also the founder of Roxxi’s Poolroom Tattooshop located on Johnston Street in Fitzroy, Melbourne and is the co-founder of an iconic Melbourne Sound System. She’s a former shiatsu, dietary therapeutics + auricular acupuncture practitioner, and a very proud mama to her small human and furry friend.
Frustrated by the lack of natural skincare options to put on teenage skin, she started experimenting with facial cleansers and healing oils at the tender age of fourteen (way before the internet). What she discovered was that not only was she damn good at kitchen chemistry; her products worked.
The riot was to follow...
Along with the anger that came with the realisation that what we use as skincare contains harmful chemicals (see the list of chemicals we avoid), Colette is also a staunch believer in the idea that beauty is a myth - that to be beautiful we have to look a certain way. “What total BS! That’s destined to make people feel rubbish”.
Colette has taken on the fight to change those perceptions, which is why Sass + Co. is designed to make you feel strong, empowered, happy and fierce - whatever that means to you!
“Fancy a future full of people who refuse to buy in to the beauty industry, the myth. We know how toxic it is, and it’s time we spoke out, powerful voices that challenge the status quo. Who’s in?”
“Cosmetic companies try to sell you rubbish products loaded with petrochemicals that are bad for your health and the environment, all wrapped in fancy packaging to fool you. So educate yourself and give ‘em the middle finger! We say, NO MORE! I don't believe in the average cosmetic standard, and I sure as hell don't fill my products with cheap chemicals and fillers. Raw, honest and stripped of all the BS - that's my take on skincare and life” Colette (Founder)